Gainesville, GA Unlicensed Driving Lawyer

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Public transportation in Gainesville, GA is not enough for most residents, and could add an extra hour or two to your commute to school or work. Therefore, many people are desperate to drive, even if they do not have a driving license yet.

If you are facing charges for operating a motor vehicle without a license , a Gainesville, GA driving without a license attorney at the Holden Law Firm is here to represent you.

The criminal defense team at Holden Law Firm has been defending residents of Gainesville and surrounding areas facing traffic violations for years. Our immigration law firm understands that many Gainesville residents do not have the privilege of obtaining a driver’s license due to their immigration status.

Therefore, If You Have Been Pulled Over For Driving Without A License, The Holden Law Firm Can Help.

Driver’s License Laws in Georgia

Unfortunately, undocumented Georgians are currently prohibited from obtaining a driver’s license. This can make it extremely difficult to get to work, school, and anywhere else they need to go. Any undocumented person can incur charges for driving without a license if they are stopped on the road.

Under Georgia law, people who want to operate a motor vehicle on public roads must apply for a Georgia driver’s license or permit within one month of establishing residency in the state. Under Georgia law, a person is considered a permanent resident of Georgia if he or she has stayed in the state for more than 30 days, works for a Georgia business, has children who attend Georgia schools, or has a home or permanent housing in the state to which they intend to return.

Penalties for Driving Without a Georgia Driver’s License

If you are charged with driving without a valid driver’s license because you did not have the physical license with you, but you do have a driver’s license, you will likely have the charges dropped by paying a small fee and appearing at a court hearing. transit with your physical license.

However, if you are caught driving and have not obtained the correct driver’s license or your license has been suspended, the charges are much more serious and can result in jail time and large fines.

If you have been arrested and jailed for driving without a proper driver’s license, a compassionate criminal defense attorney at the Holden Law Firm can help. In the event that you are an undocumented immigrant who has been arrested on traffic charges in Georgia, our dedicated legal team can inform you of your rights, help you negotiate your charges, and determine the possible consequences the arrest may have on your immigration status. .

Invalid, Suspended, or Revoked Driver’s License Accidents in Gainesville, Georgia

According to the Georgia penal code, a person who fails to obey traffic laws by driving without a valid license and causes a traffic accident that results in less serious injury to a person may face serious criminal penalties, including jail time and significant fines.

If you were operating a motor vehicle in the Gainesville area without a driver’s license and caused a crash that resulted in injury or death to the people involved, it is very important that you work with an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.

Get the Legal Representation You Need from a Qualified Attorney in Gainesville, GA

Charges for driving without a valid license in Gainesville, Georgia can carry serious penalties, including steep fines and jail time. If you are not a citizen, these charges may also affect your ability to adjust your status and could cause you to be detained and deported by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

It is essential to obtain strong legal representation from our dedicated team at Holden Law Firm. Contact an unlicensed driving attorney on our team in Gainesville, GA today to get started.


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